If it is about architectural styles,BasinIt is a reference for its spectacular stylesarchitectural.It has a vast number of facilities that date back several centuries, since for a long time it inhabited theCañaris culture.
BasinIt is a highly populated city that is located about 2,550 meters above sea level in the Ecuadorian province of Azuay. From the Cañaris language toBasinIt was also called “Guapondelig” which translated means «Plain wide as the sky».
The story ofBasinIt doesn't just go back toCañaris culture, since this was forcibly supplanted by theincasFrom that moment on, it was the latter who replaced their customs and culture, even modifying the name Guapondelig to Tomebamba in the 1470s.
Arrival of the Incas and Spanish
Basinis also known asarchitectural gem, since the Spanish or conquistadors called Tomebamba "El Dorado." But it only took 20 years for the arrival ofColumbus to Americaand together with the Spanish, Tomebamba received the arrival of colonization and was renamedSanta Ana de los Ríos de Cuenca.
The tourism in CuencaIt is enlarged thanks to this colonial and period historyCañaris-inca, but above all like the ancestors of theCañaris culturewas almost completely eclipsed by theincasIt is a reference for its spectacularBasinIt is in honor of the original city of Spain and four rivers cross this city, which is why the Spanish called itSaint Anne of the riverscalledTarqui, Yanuncay, Machangara and theTomebamba River. In that sense, it is a symbolic place not only of the province ofAzuaybut a reference for everythingEcuador, recognized worldwide forUnesco as Cultural heritage of HumanityFascinating truth!
The historic center of Cuenca is very well preserved today.
BasinIt is considered a reference of what colonialism meant, its structures, pavements, houses, streets and squares maintain their colonial essence. The city plan was made based on Spanish plans, the blocks or blocks are seen from above in the form of perfect grids.

BasinIt also represents the stage of the Republic, where representative houses and historical places were captured as squares. Hehistorical Centeris a reference inLatin Americaand the world for being very well preserved to date.
This city is a tourist destination in its own right.Ecuador, but above all at an international level. Its people make walking through its streets make you feel as if you were at home due to its warmth and friendliness.
What colonial points to visit when arriving in Cuenca?
Some houses from the colonial era are still preserved, such as theHouse of the three patiosand theHouse of Inns, Besides the524 Long Street Houseand the historicalhouse of General Gavilanes. These houses retain Spanish-style architecture to this day.
In the case of theHouse of InnsIt is located in the San Sebastián neighborhood, precisely between Miguel Heredia Streets and Gran Colombia Street. Many tourists come to this house to learn more about its colonial characteristics, built in 1690, declaredcultural heritagein the year 1982.
You must not stop visit this fantastic place full of unparalleled places because the city is not only known for its magnificent architectural structures, but also for being the birthplace of artists, musicians, athletes, poets, among others.
A good tour ofBasinIt will allow you to discover other iconic places such asthe Central Park of Cuenca, calledCalderon Park. Another of the religious sites close to this square and of great artistic relevance is theCathedral of the Great Conception of Basin, picturesque for its beautiful Renaissance-type domes.

Nor can you help but know theSan Luis Monastery SquareAs its name indicates, there used to be a monastery long ago. However, nowadays there are different restaurants whose dishes are exquisite.
Finally, you can't leavebowlwithout knowing its gastronomyto, you will finish the tour with a full and comfortable palate.
So be sure to visit this wonderful Ecuadorian city that many classify as lbest city in Ecuador. Others, however, point toQuitoas the most historical and the best, and what do you think? Go ahead and meet him, you will fall in love without a doubt.