Ecuador is a country of high biodiversity and fauna, the frogs of Ecuador are one of the most emblematic species. There are countless species of frogs and also toads that live in the jungles of the Amazon. For years emphasis has been placed on ensuring the non-extinction of these animals despite theoverpopulation and invasion of human beings.
Who does not harmonize with the sound of the amphibians commonly calledwikis wikis. One of the species that have made life in several locations in Ecuador such as the capital Quito. They are calledAndean marsupial frogsa species that struggles to maintain biodiversity.
New species of frog in the humid forests of Ecuador
In mid-2022, a new species of frog was found in the humid forests of Ecuador. It is a species whose colors are strikingorange stripes and black color. Well, despite the fact that the percentage of species extinction is high, this news is received with great pleasure.
The Ministry of EnvironmentHe stated that this frog frequents and rests in the bromeliads of these forests. So, frogs play an important role, and this new species lives inThe Andes on the eastern slope.There is no official name for the frog yet, but one is expected to be issued in the short term. Ecuador on the other hand has recently declared in favor ofprotect the species from new protected areas. Where the Zúñag River and Cerro Candelaria stand out, which lie in theTungurahua province.Thus adding to the System ofNational Protected Areasmore than 3,450 hectares in terms of Andean forests.
Transparent-bellied frog
Likewise, other species have been discovered asthe transparent-bellied frog that lives in the Amazon rainforest. A new species called glass frogs, where their tiny organs are exposed. There are few cases of this species where the heart can be glimpsed andIts scientific name is Hyalinobatrachium yaku.
Its song is usually longer compared toother species of frogs and are differentiated by having dark green spots.However, it must be the object of utmost preservation, since it is already in extinction.

In the last 4 years at least 12 species have been discovered
In Ecuador, science has done its part to give rise to thediscovery of at least 12 species of frogs. It was in 2019 when 11 species ofPristimantis frogswere found, a historical fact.
What emerged in that sense, another subgenus of the species known asHuicundomantis. They lie located in a habitat from northern Peru to central Ecuador.

Species of glass frog discovered in Mashpi Reserve
In 2022 it was also foundthe glass frog in the Masía Reserve, where hummingbirds also live. Under an environment full of mosses, orchids and toucans, among dozens more wildlife. It's about theivory glass frogwhich lies in the Tropical Andes of Ecuador.
A great feat for biologists who do great work for thediscovery and protection of these animals. Consequently, theWWF- World Wildlife Fundhas been committed to caring for all these new species and is a point in favor of wildlife conservation in the country.
In short, Ecuador is full ofdifferent types of amphibian speciesin different reserves of the nation. There is an enormous desire for preservation on the part of pro-environmental groups. What drives tourism and is a reference in the world for having great prominence in thecare of the species that live there.
¿Por qué las ranas de Ecuador son consideradas especies emblemáticas?
Las ranas de Ecuador son consideradas especies emblemáticas debido a su elevada biodiversidad y su importancia en los ecosistemas de la región. Son animales únicos y fascinantes que atraen la atención de los amantes de la naturaleza.
¿Qué medidas se han tomado para proteger a las ranas en Ecuador?
En Ecuador se han tomado diversas medidas para proteger a las ranas, como la creación de áreas protegidas y la implementación de programas de conservación. También se ha trabajado en la educación ambiental para concienciar sobre la importancia de estas especies.
¿Cuál es la nueva especie de rana descubierta en los bosques húmedos de Ecuador?
En 2022 se descubrió una nueva especie de rana en los bosques húmedos de Ecuador. Esta especie se caracteriza por sus colores llamativos de franjas anaranjadas y negras. Aunque aún no tiene un nombre oficial, se espera que se le asigne uno pronto.
¿Qué papel juegan las ranas en los ecosistemas de Ecuador?
Las ranas juegan un papel importante en los ecosistemas de Ecuador al controlar las poblaciones de insectos y servir de alimento para otras especies. También son indicadores de la salud ambiental, ya que su presencia o ausencia puede indicar cambios en el ecosistema.
¿Qué se ha descubierto sobre las ranas de cristal en Ecuador?
En Ecuador se han descubierto varias especies de ranas de cristal, que se caracterizan por tener la piel transparente. Estas especies son especialmente vulnerables a los cambios ambientales y requieren de medidas especiales de conservación.
¿Cuál es el impacto del turismo en las poblaciones de ranas en Ecuador?
El turismo puede tener un impacto positivo en las poblaciones de ranas en Ecuador al generar conciencia sobre su importancia y contribuir a la conservación de su hábitat. Sin embargo, también puede representar una amenaza si no se maneja de manera sostenible y responsable.