yes offascinating animalsand exotic of the Amazonian fauna it is about, thepink dolphinis in the first places. Areaquatic animalsthat thrive in fresh water and some describe it as a mysterious creature.
There are several theories about that peculiar color of theDolphinDo you want to know more about this river creature?,Follow this post and you will learn more about it. It is worth mentioning that this species is in danger of extinction and is, in addition to theEcuadorian Amazon, in other countries in the region, such asColombia, Peru, BrazilY Venezuela, that is, throughout the extensiveAmazon.
It is an emblematic species that rivers have, but they must survive against the current such as fishing, dams and pollution, among other variables.
What pink dolphin researchers say
After an almost failed investigation into the population ofpink dolphinsat least a decade ago, where information was insufficient regarding the conservation of this exuberant freshwater species. It was not until 2019 when it was possible to collect some data on the status of these cetaceans. In that investigation theInternational Union for Conservation of Nature, cataloged him on the red list. It is considered the species ofriver dolphinsbiggest of alls, its maximum length reaches 2.5 meters.
Their weight could also reach 200 kg, these aquatic animals can throw water at a height of 2 meters, this being possible due to their characteristic dorsal hole that they have, but not all of them are pink.
Other pink dolphin color theories
Its population changes to gray as adults; many scientists believe that the acidity of the water has something to do with this. On the other hand, when they are born, their babies are always gray.
There is still no exact scientific basis as to why this peculiar color occurs in thesedolphins. In addition to the theory of the level of acid present in the water, others believe that it is a product of the temperature of the river. However, the most assertive theory could be that as they become adults, wear and tear occurs on their skin.

Regarding their diet, it is said that they are capable of consuming more than 48 fish of different types.species. On the other hand, experts say that it is the only one that has the most flexible neck, this gives this wonderful aquatic animal greater range to move its head from side to side.
Other characteristics that you should know about this species
It can swim up to 30 kilometers daily, it usually swims in the middle of a lot of vegetation and especially between trees. As stated above, of the fivespeciesrecognized fromdolphins, this one in particular is the biggest of all. Males can measure between 2.4 and 2.5 meters in length and range from 180 to 200 kg in weight, while females can weigh up to 150 kg and measure up to 2 meters in length.

Unlike the othersspeciesthat have a defined dorsal fin, thesepink dolphinsThey have a triangular crest on their back.
As for the snout, it is usually a little more elongated than the others and with very small eyes. They eat very little, consuming on average a percentage of 2.5% compared to their body weight.

They are usually called very solitary, since at most they usually go in groups of up to 4.
Its browsing speed is somewhat less than thesea dolphins, but they still know how to get along in theAmazon. They are playful and interact more when it is time for them to mate, since their sexual maturity can be between 7 and 12 years, but they can only perceive one creature.