If it is Ecuador,The first thing that comes to mind is undoubtedly the GalapagosIf you don't know it, these are some reasons to visit the Galapagos. There is aenumerated list of reasonsTherefore, tourists and locals always visit these islands.
If Ecuador is in your plans then the Galapagos will leave you speechless. One of the most affluent paradise places throughout the year due to its vast beauty;Marine animals, vegetation and its volcanoes make it a must-see place.
In this post,you will clear your doubts about Galapagosand you will wish you were already on these majestic islands. There is a lot of history behind this great archipelago, many theories of its discovery are a mystery. Well, they point tothe Incas as the first settlements of the Galapagos, although this has not been confirmed due to the absence of traces.
5 Reasons to visit the Galapagos
Without a doubt Galapagos is thefavorite place for tourists who have visited itBut what makes them so special? These would be some reasons to visit the Galapagos and break away from routine and stress. So see why it's so fascinating to know them:
1. Unique wildlife
Galapagos has afauna and wildlife that do not exist anywhere else on the planet.Where there are sea lions, land and sea turtles, marine iguanas, finches, and even penguins.
It is worth mentioning that neither the fauna nor the flora of these islands had thousands of years without predators. That is why theanimals present there do not show traits of fearbefore people.

At some point during the trip, you will have the option to swim alongside the sea lions. Just like walking on the side ofthe giant tortoises and glimpse the popular red-footed booby.
2. Because of its history
The islands had a movie story, when theBrother Tomas de Berlangadiscovered them randomly in 1535. Whoever was the archbishop of Panama at that time, where even pirates made their hiding place in them. That's not all, because Charles Darwin did a scientific study to give rise to the so-called“Theory of Evolution”.
Therefore, these islands were declared byUNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Which implies that these have been lying for thousands of years, due to theirimposing volcanic activity.From the depths of the seabed are the tectonic plates with the greatest movement, since this same year one of these islands had volcanic activity.
3. For being a place for science in the face of imminent evolution
many scientistshave seen a fascinating place in the Galapagosfor their studies, for remaining almost intact for thousands of years. It is said that animals can pose without fear next to people. Many claimthat the lack of predation is a reasonso that these become passive, which is why species photography is very viable.
4. Suitable for lovers of photography and tourism
It is a place that leaves a unique experience between nature and people. A dual connection that allows you to beideal for photographyand the species that coexist in the Galapagos.
To make your experience rewarding, you must approach the capitalQuitowhere flights commonly depart to these islands. Specifically, to theSan Cristobal Island, called the provincial capital of Galapagos. Just arrive and a guide will be waiting for you to start an unforgettable adventure.

Someflora and fauna expertslocals make their presentation to raise awareness among tourists. Well, the conservation of this heritage of humanity must be culturalized every day and thepreservation level, where there is no scope for contamination.
It is estimated that every day the Galapagos Islands are visited byless than 500 visitorsof which, most of these come from the US, Canada and Europe.
5. Numerous islets and beaches that adorn the Galapagos Islands
In addition to the Galapagos Islands, aseries of islets adorn the archipelago. Among these, the majestic islet called León Dormido stands out, the isletsthere are at least 107 rocks. For its part, the beaches are another of the places most visited by tourists, such as those with white sand.
with the seaturquoise color and the different beachesThey take the adventure to a higher level. In addition to this, the places that have emerged from the volcanic lava are also recorded on the shores of these beaches, these beingvolcanic flowsthat have been lying for hundreds of years.
It is no coincidence that the Galapagos are referred to as the'Enchanted islands'and became part of the best islands in the world.If you are a lover ofsnorkeling, diving and surfingthen go ahead and visit the Galapagos, in any month of the year.
¿Por qué Galápagos es considerado un destino paradisíaco?
Galápagos es considerado un destino paradisíaco debido a su impresionante belleza natural, que incluye animales marinos, vegetación exuberante y volcanes activos.
¿Cuál es una de las principales razones para visitar Galápagos según el texto?
Una de las principales razones para visitar Galápagos es su fauna silvestre única, que incluye lobos marinos, tortugas terrestres y marinas, iguanas marinas, pinzones y pingüinos, entre otros.
¿Qué hace que la fauna de Galápagos sea tan especial en comparación con otros lugares del mundo?
La fauna de Galápagos es especial porque no ha tenido miles de años de evolución con depredadores, lo que hace que los animales no muestren miedo hacia los humanos y permita una interacción única.
¿Cuál es la importancia histórica de Galápagos según el texto?
Galápagos tiene una importancia histórica significativa, ya que fue descubierta por el fray Tomás de Berlanga en 1535 y fue estudiada por Charles Darwin, quien desarrolló su teoría de la evolución después de visitar las islas.
¿Qué hace que Galápagos sea un lugar fascinante para los científicos?
Galápagos es un lugar fascinante para los científicos porque ha mantenido su estructura casi intacta durante miles de años, lo que permite estudiar la evolución de las especies de forma casi directa.
¿Cuál es la recomendación para los amantes de la fotografía que visitan Galápagos?
Para los amantes de la fotografía que visitan Galápagos, se recomienda abordar en la capital Quito y luego tomar un vuelo hacia las islas para comenzar una aventura inolvidable con la ayuda de un guía local.
¿Qué se destaca de los islotes y playas de Galápagos según el texto?
Los islotes y playas de Galápagos son destacados por su belleza natural, incluyendo el islote León Dormido y las numerosas playas de arenas blancas con aguas turquesas ideales para actividades como el snorkel, buceo y surf.
¿Cuál es el apodo dado a Galápagos y por qué se considera un destino especial para los turistas?
Galápagos es conocido como las “Islas Encantadas” y se considera un destino especial para los turistas por su impresionante belleza natural, su fauna única y su importancia histórica y científica.