If it is about exuberant fauna and flora, thePodocarpus National ParkIt is a reference for all its abundant nature. Its prestige is so great that it is considered theBotanical Garden of America, since you contain a series of unparalleled endemic species. It is worth mentioning that, due to their geographical location, these species are shared with Peru.
It is a Park that began on December 15, 1982 andcIt has more than 146 thousand hectares. Therefore, of theprovince of Lojacovers an extension of at least 20%, in addition to 80% in relation to theprovince of Zamora Chinchipe. The park has more than 700 species of birds in this large territory, which represents more than a third at the national level.Ecuador.
Where did its name Podocarpus come from?
It was through a species that has a great presence for being called"Podocarpus" or rosemary. Scientifically, it is called “Podocarpus spruceiIt is a tree that can measure up to 20 meters in height. It is identified by having scale-like bark that can measure between 3 and 7 centimeters long with reddish brown colors.

This tree is characterized by being immersed in the humid forests of these mountains, which implies that thePodocarpus ParkIt has abundant biodiversity worldwide. Hence it is considered thebotanical garden of americaand its orchid species are considered unique worldwide.
Podocarpus National Park: One of the most endemic regions of the country
In 1982 this park was declaredNational Park, so that its extensive ecosystem was protected. It is also notable for a series of water sources, since it is considered the most relevant sources of theEcuador. As described at the beginning, it has a wide territory that goes from the top ofThe Andesuntil reaching all the vastAmazon basin.
But, you may be wondering how to access thePodocarpus National Park, there are two options, one is accessing the road that leads fromstoretoVilcabambawhere an archaeological site in Peru is located, then you can arrive at theCajanuma pass, where you will find an administrative center located at a height of 2,735 meters above sea level.
For being aNational ParkThere is maintenance work and constant surveillance of this protected area. Once visitors reach the lower part ofPodocarpusThey will be able to find a refugeBombuscaro refuge”. This refuge is located at a distance from thecity of Zamoraof six kilometers.
Powerful Waterfall
The park has it all, in addition to its biodiversity it also has a 30 meter high waterfall called thePowerful Waterfall, it is possible to reach it just 15 minutes from where the refuge is located. It is an ideal place to receive a good hydromassage, powerful due to its powerful waterfall, which lives up to its name.

It is worth mentioning that its crystalline waters are due to the underground currents, a product of the rain that filters into the most intrinsic part of the soil. Such underground currents generate impressive waterfalls like this one.
The Compadre Lagoons
Inside of theparkThere are a large number of lagoons that reach a hundred, among them theCompadre Lagoons, also a product of the tributaries of crystalline currents, which is a group of lakes that host at least 50 lagoons. They are located in the central part of thePodocarpus National Park, where several rivers such as theBell, bombuscaroand heAltar cloth.
The Bombuscaro River
This name comes from"shuar wampushkar"which in more everyday terms is called “clear waters”. It is also a tributary of theZamora River, since it is a reference for being part of theProvince of Zamora Chinchipe. It is well known in the park for the endemic birds that surround it and that are part of its great diversity.

If you want to go see it, just take a five-minute walk from the main shelter. Tourists take advantage of their tour to swim in a huge pool that usually forms at various points in the river. As is known, the water is crystal clear and pure, with zero contamination, that is why thePodocarpusIt is very well preserved by its park rangers.

The educational trails offered by the Park
Tourists and visitors will be able to take advantage of several educational trails within this lush park. Through the assistance of guides, one of these trails is theHiguerones Trail, which has a total route that covers 7 hours. The huge trees are called fig trees, hence the name of the trail.
If you want to do activities to observe the park's fauna, just visit theCloud Forest trail. In it you will be able to glimpse how majestic it is.Loja, but if you are looking for a more scenic view, then theEl Mirador trailIs the best option. From the top you can see the surrounding mountains with views that will leave you amazed.

In retrospect, there are many activities you can do within thePodocarpus National Park, such as observation of fauna and flora, hiking or walks, swimming and camping, among others. A place full of nature to clear your mind, relax and forget about everyday life, it will be a unique and unforgettable trip without a doubt.