Among the different attractions that the country ofhalf of the planet, The volcanoes of EcuadorThey earn first place. Generally, when talking aboutEcuadorallusion is made to two particular things, in whichGalapagos and in volcanoes. In this post, a kind of tour will be given so that you can learn about the wonders that this South American country has.
Ecuador has a series ofvolcanoeswhich are not found anywhere else inAmerica. Starting fromTungurahua, passing through the province ofCotopaxi, thenQuitoand follow the path to the crossingGuayaquilcalledcapital of the coast. But the adventure does not end here, because the best is for last inGalapagos Islands.
The 7 most visited and active volcanoes in Ecuador
Ecuador is synonymous withlarge and majestic volcanoes, get to know them with all their characteristics and history that define them.
1. Tungurahua
Starting this tour of thevolcanoes of Ecuador, the journey begins withTungurahua, considered by many as one of thetourism capitalsmost relevant ofLatin America. For the best enjoyment we recommend that you schedule a travel by land, so that you can glimpse the best ofEcuador.
Prepare your camera, and go for the adventure full of lots of vegetation and water, because one of the stops that you cannot miss is the majestic fall of a waterfall, the largest inTungurahuacalledDevil's Pailon, this is undoubtedly a busiest tourist stop in themeridian country.
Already in the town, you can glimpse an impressive sleeping mountain, with theTungurahua volcano. It has a height of at least 5,071 meters above sea level, and is still a very active volcano.

In this city there are a series of very attractive activities and enormous adrenaline withextreme sportswhere the visitor can dotrekking,rafting,hiking, bungee jumping, between many more.
2. Cotopaxi Volcano
Within EcuadorThere is another volcano of reference, theCotopaxi, a province that is located at 3,000 meters above sea level. You will be able to reach the skirts of this impressivevolcano, which is consideredthe highest snow-capped volcano on the planet. Regarding its seismic activity, it is very active, the height of thevolcanoIt is about 5,897 meters.

It is dormant, but many experts predict it could erupt at any time. Its last eruption dates back to 1904. Scientists believe that every hundred years the cycle of activity occurs again. Its fauna and flora is heavenly, there areWolves,condors,birds, between many more.
You will be able to fully enjoy the glaciers that this mountain has, with an almost perfect conicity. Who does not visitCotopaxiyou would be missing a part ofEcuadorvery impressive.
3. The Carihuairazo volcano
Get on the list ofextinct volcanoes, is located at a distance of 10,000 meters fromChimborazo. It consists of three peaks calledmocha, Josefina Y Central, the latter is the highest of the three. It has a height above sea level of 5,116 meters.

4. The Reventador Volcano
It is located atl east of Quitoabout 90 kilometers away, in the middle of theprovinces of Sucumbíos and Napo. It has a height of 3,560 meters above sea level, it is a place with frequent somewhat truncated climatic conditions. Its accessibility is zero or almost zero and experts believe that from 1542 to date there have been more than 15 eruptions.
your newlyvolcanic activityIt was between 2014 and 2015, emanating ash and abundant lava. Fortunately, there was no human damage, but since 2020 it has been seen emanating somewhat constant water vapor.
5. Shanghai Volcano
It is denoted for being the most distant to thesouthern equator, inside ofProvince of Morona Santiago, in the Eastern Mountain Range, with a distance of at least 45,000 metersRiobambato the southeast and a height of 5,230 meters. It usually emits thunderous and deafening noises from the bowels of the earth.
yes ofexplosive eruptionsThis may be in the first places. Emanateash,volcanic lavaand large amounts of rocks and is far from nearby towns in the vastamazon jungle. It is one of the most active worldwide with constant activity since 2019.
6. Guagua Pichincha Volcano
You can go fromQuitoat a distance of 12 kilometers to the west, with 4,776 meters high in theEcuadorian Andesto the west. He has been asleep for several years And it is said that around the year 1660 the explosion was so gigantic that, within a radius of 1,000 kilometers, it was covered in ash up to 30 centimeters thick.

7. Volcanoes of the Galapagos Islands
arrive atGalapagos IslandsIt is a unique adventure of another level with endemic fauna and flora that has no other place in the world. In them, visitors will be able to do many activities such asdiving, snorkel, trekkingand much more and you will findgiant tortoises,iguanasY sea lions.
There are rules to follow once you arrive to the islands, in order to take care of the fauna, vegetation andspecies conservation.Now the journey is undertaken to other groups ofmost impressive volcanoes on the planet.
From GuayaquilYou can leave by plane toSan Cristoba Islandl, where the official airport of theGalapagos Islands. There is theEnchanted Islands Archipelagowhich also has a lot of history.
The most predominant volcanoes in the Galapagos
On the island there are severalvolcanoesand the most active ones like theFernandina volcanoand heSierra Negra Volcano. The first has 1,476 meters, while theBlack SierraIt is 1,124 meters high. Also located is theCerro Azul volcanowhich is part of theIsabela Island.
Another of thevolcanoeswhat you will find in thearchipelago, is the so-calledWolf volcano. It stands out among the others for having the highest peak of 1,707 meters and has a peculiar soup bowl shape.

In summary,EcuadorIt is the country where the mostvolcanoesthere are and its mountains are to be admired, which implies thousands of tourist visits annually. So go ahead and get to know them, there are different plansland and air toursthat are worth considering. A fascinating magical ancestral cluster of mountains and peaks, friendly people and exuberant beauty.