You are planning to travel, this post is for you, here are some recommendations for packing according to other travelers.
It is always good to take some advice from people who have already gone through circumstances and unforeseen events around this issue. Many things usually arise when traveling, but this post is intended to get you up to date to prevent last-minute altercations, especially if you are against the clock preparing a luggage, since some things tend to stay and you realize when you are already in the flight, train or bus.
Unforeseen events usually arise, such as last minute changes in the itinerary, alternative routes and duration of the This series of tips were collected from theexperience of other travelersand who wanted to help in that sense to streamline and define atrip planaccurate, from how to arrange clothes, to how to place clothes in various points of theluggage by weight, it never hurts to carry additional clothing, because you don't know what may happen along the way. Maybe you've heard the sayinga forewarned man is worth a thousand!,Well, this applies in this and other cases of everyday life.
Top 6 recommendations for packing according to other travelers
1. carry the heaviest clothes on the bottom
It is preferable to place the heavier items at the bottom of the suitcase, this is feasible, as it prevents an unexpected overturning of the suitcase.Baggage.
Here I leave you a tip. Did you know that the best way toreduce the weight of the suitcaseIs it wearing the heaviest clothes when you travel? Garments such as sneakers, jeans or sweaters take up more space in the suitcase, so you can carry lighter luggage and you won't have any problems at the airport.
2. Make sure you roll your clothes and avoid folding them
According to travelers, rolled clothes do not wrinkle and also take up less space than folded clothes. But there are some items that do require folding, such as thick jackets. You can fold the latter flat to place them in the bottom of the luggage.
3. It is always feasible to use luggage organizers
It is a series oflight backpackspencil case type, where it is possible to group similar garments or items, such as beachwear, accessories or underwear, this will allow youpack the suitcasemore organized. Experts recommend goodorganizerslike those promotedebagsorAmazon Basics.

4. Be cautious and wear more sets of clothing
On long flights it is always a good ideabring extra clothesso that on some scale you can change clothes. It is also very commonluggage delay,This could be tedious, it even happens on short direct flights, so be prepared with another set of underwear and socks.
5. Some things are essential to carry without fail
There are items that without fail must go in theBaggage, since they are essential and you will need them at a certain point in thetrip, such as medications, sunscreen, a swimsuit, but carry them in your carry-on suitcase. In case theBaggageYou will already have some extra things to use.

6. Equip your suitcase according to the time or season of the year
winter luggage
- Low temperatures usually drop in some regions, many people have suffered attacks of hypothermia, they have even died, because they were not careful when packing luggage with different layers of clothing to counteract the cold.
- Sometimes winter jackets take up a certain amount of weight in your luggage. Instead, it is more feasible to carry a larger quantity of lighter clothing so that the weight on the plane does not become excessive.
- The scarves are light, do not take up space and can be used with various light clothing, for low temperatures.
- Light clothing tends to dry faster and thus does not exceed the weight designated by the authorities.
- Do not bring wool coats, due to their weight, instead it is better to carry a padded down jacket, you can even use it as a pillow and it fits in a backpack, which will save you more space in a suitcase.

Spring luggage
Did you know that pollen is like a natural powder for those with allergies? That's right, the particles of this pollen usually rise at midday due to the hot air. These descend at night when the air cools, It is advisable to carry Vaseline and spread it on the nose area, this way you will avoid any problems with nasal congestion or tearing if you are allergic, since Vaseline acts as an absorbent of that pollen and will prevent it from passing through your nostrils. It is also a good idea to wear your dark sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun's rays and pollen.
- In spring there are situations that can arise unexpectedly, such as hot, humid, cold or dry days, so it is better in this season to wear insulating and breathable clothing.
- Wear clothes that dry faster and absorb sweat.
Summer luggage
TheBedbugsormosquitoesThey are usually a headache on a trip, for these cases it is better to usehermetic seal bags, in addition to insect repellent, since there are a lot of them at this time. These bags can be used to put dirty clothes that you can wash once you arrive at the hotel.
Luggage for autumn
At this time of year the weather is sometimes unpredictable, where the nights are usually cold and the days are very sunny, sometimes there are showers and rains, for that be prepared with aoilskinor araincoat. Also carry a small umbrella and some gloves so you can deal with these cases.
Luggage for hiking and going to the beach
The lovers oftrekkingThey must prepare a goodbag, for this it is imperativeorganize the backpackso that it balances its weight. Be sure to:
- Carry pajamas or sleeping bags at the bottom of your backpack.
- This will give you a cushioning sensation when walking.
- Larger things such as kitchen utensils go in the central part.
- Place spare clothes to serve as a cushion on your back.
- Leave the first aid kit for the top, or an insulated anorak and toiletries.

For travelers who go to the beach, these tips may help:
- Your important things like objects or valuables are good to carry in a hidden pocket. If there are lifeguards, it is good to place them nearby so that they can help protect you.
- A powder is very good in case of that tedious sand that gets embedded in your feet. After leaving the beach, putting on some foot powder will help you get to the hotel without any complications. Even beach sand will fall easier if you put a little talcum powder on it. Talcum powder also removes moisture from your skin.
Pack your luggage for the land trip
An travelerthat gives you a grain of sand into the environment does not throw garbage out the window. Avoid being fined and declared persona non grata in countries where this is usually a crime. Keep trash in an organized bag to put candy wrappers or napkins in it, for example. For these cases it is very important to carry a box with a garbage bag inside. and place it on the car seats, some hooks or clips can help if you want to hold something. A small refrigerator that fits in the trunk of the car can be used to keep drinks cool, there are even manual coolers that can be carried in your hand or in a place in the car with plenty of ice inside, so you will spend thetravelrefreshing you, of course with zero alcoholic drinks. Remember that the driver and alcoholic beverages are not good companions, be responsible and avoid an accident.