The Storm Petrel: The seabird that defies storms

The storm petrel is a small seabird that is very abundant in the Atlantic and peculiarly rare, since it stays off the coast, it can only sometimes be seen from land.

Its name “Paíño” is so called because it refers to two subfamilies of birds of which they are descendants of different species from each other and it is relatively larger than a sparrow, and its flight resembles the flapping of a butterfly's wings.

Its plumage resembles the color of chocolate or dark brown, a beautiful and elegant plumage, during its flight a wide stripe becomes visible at the base of its tail.

Characteristics of El Paíño or Storm Petrel

  • It can measure between 13 and 26 centimeters.
  • Its weight varies depending on the species.
  • Their diet is based on mollusks, crustaceans and small fish.
  • Regarding their appearance, they usually have an elongated skull, square tail, with wings and short legs.
  • Regarding their color, they have a dark back and some white lower parts.
  • They have a forked tail with short legs and relatively longer wings.
  • They belong to the familyHydrobatinae,For example, the Forked-tailed Storm-Petrel is completely gray, while the Honry's Storm-Petrel has a white color described in markings on its underparts and face.

What do Paiños feed on?

These birds usually hover at water level with the intention of capturing small fish and crustaceans, which are usually below the surface. They are rarely seen doing their diving task, but they do not usually choose this option frequently.

Many times seals and whales make it easier for the storm petrel to fish, since they usually take advantage of the fish that these marine animals drag when they reach the surface.

How do some storm petrels mate?

These birds return year after year to the same reproductive colony, where their nests are located in cracks or holes in the rocks. Most storm petrel species can be active at night, with the advantage that their predators do not easily locate them. The only species that does not have nocturnal habits is the Galápagos Storm-Petrel species.

On the other hand, adult birds are considered monogamous and each season they meet again. They have the peculiarity that they lay a single egg in which both parents share the task of incubating the egg for a period of 50 days. Each one can incubate its egg for 6 days each, and then continue a breeding period for around 70 days.

However, wild rats and cats can marry the eggs and chicks of these birds.

How many years does the storm petrel live?

These amazing birds can live up to 30 years.

Other curious facts about El Paíño

This bird is considered to have an enormous sense of belonging to the place where it is born, going to the same nesting place every year. On the other hand, they are the smallest sea birds in the world.

As if it were Jesus' own disciple, Peter, the pewter alludes to him walking on the waters and everything is due to his weak legs since they only support their own weight on land and walk a few steps.

They are called Storm Petrels, because sailors call them “Mother Cara's Pigeons”, in Latin this name refers to the Virgin Mary. In fact, many refer to these birds as divine messengers, as they warned when storms were approaching.

90% of these seabirds have plastic inside

However, it is the same human beings who have been destroying many marine species. Where, according to a study by Birdlife International, a conservation organization, 90% of these seabirds have plastic inside.

To top it all off, the petrel is usually very common in the Mediterranean Sea and spends most of its long life flying over the sea. Caring for seabirds, such as storm petrels, is crucial to maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems. These birds play a critical role in the food chain and ocean health by controlling fish populations and contributing to nutrient cycling.

Awareness about the conservation of these species must be a priority as they face multiple threats, such as marine pollution, bycatch, habitat loss and climate change. It is essential to take action to protect their breeding and feeding areas, reduce plastic litter in the oceans and promote sustainable fishing practices.

Every single action counts: from reducing the use of single-use plastics to supporting conservation and education initiatives. By raising awareness and taking responsible action, we can significantly contribute to the preservation of these seabirds and ultimately the health of our ocean ecosystems for future generations.

¿Cuál es la peculiaridad del Petrel de las Tormentas en relación con su avistamiento desde la tierra?

El Petrel de las Tormentas es peculiarmente raro ya que se mantiene fuera de las costas y solo a veces se puede visualizar desde la tierra.

¿Cómo es el plumaje del Petrel de las Tormentas y qué característica distintiva tiene durante el vuelo?

Su plumaje se asemeja al color del chocolate o marrón oscuro, y durante el vuelo se hace visible en la base de su cola una franja ancha.

¿Cuál es el tamaño aproximado del Petrel de las Tormentas y cuál es su dieta?

Puede llegar a medir de entre 13 a 26 centímetros. Su dieta se basa en moluscos, crustáceos y pequeños peces.

¿Cómo es el proceso de apareamiento y reproducción de los Petreles de las Tormentas?

Regresan año tras año a la misma colonia reproductiva, donde sus nidos se ubican en grietas o huecos de las rocas. Pon un solo huevo que ambos padres se reparten la tarea de incubar por un periodo de 50 días. Cada uno puede incubar su huevo por 6 días, para luego continuar por alrededor de 70 días con el periodo de crianza.

¿Cuál es la esperanza de vida del Petrel de las Tormentas y cuál es su sentido de pertenencia especial?

Pueden llegar a vivir hasta 30 años y tienen un enorme sentido de pertenencia al lugar donde nacen, acudiendo cada año al mismo lugar de anidamiento.

¿Por qué se les llama Petrel de las Tormentas y qué relación tienen con la conservación marina?

Los marineros los llaman “Pichones de la Madre Cara”, en referencia a la Virgen María, ya que se creía que estas aves advertían cuando se avecinaban las tormentas. Son fundamentales para mantener el equilibrio de los ecosistemas marinos, controlando poblaciones de peces y contribuyendo al ciclo de nutrientes.

¿Cuál es una de las principales amenazas para el Petrel de las Tormentas y otras aves marinas?

La contaminación marina, especialmente por plásticos, es una de las principales amenazas. Según un estudio de Birdlife Internacional, el 90% de estas aves marinas poseen en su interior plástico.

¿Qué medidas se pueden tomar para proteger al Petrel de las Tormentas y otras aves marinas?

Es esencial tomar medidas para proteger sus áreas de reproducción y alimentación, reducir la basura plástica en los océanos y promover prácticas pesqueras sostenibles. Cada acción individual cuenta, desde reducir el uso de plásticos de un solo uso hasta apoyar iniciativas de conservación y educación.

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