If one thing is certain, it is the unparalleled gastronomy in the country of the meridian,where the traditional drinks of Ecuadorthey play an important role. These drinks have a history and customs behind them that have been maintained over the years by their recipes, although we cannot deny that there are variations, in the end the flavor and textures are the same.
Such variations with new generations have allowed for endless flavors that delight those who try them. It is a reference for Ecuadorian gastronomy for locals and visitors. Its ingredients are all grown in various provinces, maintaining the seal of the identity of the Ecuador.
In this post you will know thetraditional drinks from Ecuador, ingredients and recipes so you can enjoy it like a true taster. We will also provide you with the customs behind each one and why they are references in national and international gastronomy.
The best traditional drinks from Ecuador
Over time, a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages have been cultivated, preserved and modified under the Ecuadorian seal. The cultural background of these drinks we have listed them in a top of the most traditional drinks of theEcuador:
1. Colada Morada
In Ecuador, as in other Latin American countries, theDay of the Dead. This celebration is accompanied by an important gastronomic tradition: thepurple laundry, a thick purple drink that is prepared with typical Ecuadorian fruits, herbs and spices.
The purple laundry is thetraditional drink in Ecuador, which is present with fervor at this time, highlighting pre-Hispanic beliefs where the deceased are the reason for celebration.

- Place 1 liter of water, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, orange and pineapple peels, sugar and panela in a large pot. Let boil for 20 minutes.
- Turn off the heat, add the bay leaves and lemon verbena, cover and let sit for 5 minutes. Strain the liquid and place it back in a large pot.
- Separately, in another pot, place the other liter of water, the mortiños, the blackberries and the ground sweet pepper, and boil for 30 minutes. Remove from the heat, blend this mixture with the naranjilla and strain to eliminate the seeds.
- Add the blended mixture to the other pot with the spice liquid. Add the diluted cornstarch, stir constantly and wait until it boils. Add the pineapple and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
- Add the strawberries and babaco, wait until it boils again and remove from the heat. Serve the colada morada warm or place it in the refrigerator and drink it cold.
2. Chicha de Jora
The chicha de joraIt is a popular fermented drink inEcuador, considered an ancestral drink par excellence, has been made particularly by the indigenous people ofthe ecuadorian mountainsbut due to its origins it is also part of Peru and Bolivia. Its base ingredient is jora or sprouted corn and cloves. It is prepared in different ways depending on the region, but its preparation mainly consists of jora.

- Place the barley and jora corn in a pan and toast for 25 minutes.
- In a large pot, place 5 liters of water, the jora corn and the cloves. Bring to a boil, stirring the mixture constantly so that it does not thicken.
- When half the water has reduced, add the remaining 5 liters of water and let it boil for another 1 hour and a half.
- Remove from heat, let sit until cool, strain and add sugar to taste. Place it in a jar and let it ferment for 5 days.
- Serve the chicha de jora cold.
3. The Morocho
It was in pre-Hispanic times where this typical traditional drink emerged that can be served either hot or cold. It should have been soaked the night before for better tasting and don't forget to cook thedark-hairedin a pressure cooker to speed up the process and obtain a soft thick texture.

- Cook the morocho in its first stage. It should have been soaked the night before for better tasting and do not forget to cook the morocho in a pressure cooker to speed up the process and obtain a soft thick texture.
- Prepare the flavoring of the milk separately by adding about 3 or 4 balls of whole sweet pepper. Additionally, a cinnamon stick, three cloves and if you like, also add half a cup of raisins.
- Cook the spices for about 20 minutes so that the milk is completely flavored and at the end all the milk is strained.
- To sweeten, you can do it however you like, with condensed milk, brown or white sugar, even brown sugar if you wish. Ideally, adequate proportions should be added so that the drink is not too cloying.
- Finally, the morocho is added to the milk and constantly mixed over low heat to achieve an ideal texture.
And that's it, just serve it and enjoy it accompanied by some good empanadas. of wind, toasts, breads.
4. El Canelazo
In the colonial era this arosetypical drink of Ecuadorwhere both mestizos and indigenous people tasted it. It should be noted that this drink became known as “glory water” and is served in small Ecuadorian towns during festivities. In relation to theQuito festivals,the canelazo andIt's a drink that delights the palates of visitors and locals of the city.
It is very popular for being served hot andtoThis delicious drink is taken in sips and puffs. It is ideal for facing the cold and grabbing that warmth that is needed to cheer up the intensely cold nights. Ingredients such as brandy, naranjilla, cinnamon, pepper or cloves are part of thisgastronomic tradition.

- They take out the pulp of the naranjilla to blend it with water.
- In a large container add the pepper, cloves and cinnamon.
- Add the sugar and then the naranjilla or octopus juice.
- Cook it by adding a little additional water for about 25 minutes to flavor the mixture.
- Add the brandy and just mix it to serve, and enjoy this traditional typical drink.
Although there is also a non-alcoholic version.
5. El Guarapo (fermented cane)
the guarapoIt is the extract of fermented sugar cane, which once extracted, liquor is added. It is very refreshing, has nutrients, sugars, minerals and vitamins beneficial to health. It is recommended to drink this drink in its freshest state, otherwise it will lose its good flavor and color due to fermentation.
Same as himcanelazo, there is also a non-alcoholic version.

- First the cane is cut and washed very well.
- It is cut along its entire length. Once the canes are cut, each one divided into two parts, they are passed through a sugar mill and all the juice is extracted.
- This juice is then strained to remove any residue.
- Ice is crushed and served in a glass with crushed ice.
6. Horchata
Traditional drinkfrom the south of the country, specificallyLoja, red or pink in color to which healing properties are attributed.The horchataIt is obtained from the infusion of 28 medicinal herbs (including chamomile, carnations, plantain, lemon verbena, lemon balm, etc.), as well as flowers such as the essence of roses, violets, begonias, carnations, among others. This drink can be drunk hot in the morning or cold as a soft drink to accompany lunch.

- Bring the water to a boil and remove from heat.
- Add the mixture of flowers and aromatic herbs to the hot water, and let it rest for 5 minutes.
- Strain the mixture, add lemon juice and sweeten with sugar or honey to taste.
- Serve the horchata lojana hot or cold.
This way you have 6traditional beveragesiconic that you can try if you plan to visit the country ofhalf of the world.