You have pets and want to share a well-deserved vacation together, thenTravel with pets with these expert tips.
You need to know thattraveling with pets by land or airIt has its pros and cons. Make sure which one is the besttrip for your pet, if you don't have a choice then check many rules and weigh every aspect.
There are many variables that can make yourmascotbecomes disoriented, for this you should consider prior training at least two weeks in advance, to prepare him to relieve himself within an estimated time, for example.
Certain factors must be considered, such as searching in advancepet-friendly accommodationand verify the rules they have so that you are cautious. Keep in mind that not all people love to havepets, in that sense avoid any discomfort.
In this post you will know how you should plan atravel with petsforeseeing all the scenarios, the drastic changes in your comfort zone, the stress of the canine or feline puppy. In short, a practical guide for you to handle and study fully and travel ready for battle.
Train your pet at least two weeks in advance
Every trip, whether by land or air, requires that yourmascotis very prepared. However, if you want to know which is easier then theland tripIt is the most accurate option. Likewise, a goodtrainingIt is an excellent alternative for set off on a journey.

Road trip
Take your canine to a classtraining to socializein case of traveling with many people. Some good obedience classes wouldn't hurt, this way you can both be calm and it will prevent you from climbing on anyone who makes the slightest gesture. Although there will undoubtedly be those who want to carry her on top of her for a while and give her affection. There will be those who are going through some circumstance that only allows them to greet her from her seat and is not in the mood for more. You must consider all possible scenarios when traveling, because as you should know, there are people who are allergic and have a phobia of dogs.

This is what your canine should have in his/her transport equipment.
It is very important that you carry a team of things necessary for themascotand this list could help you:
- Water for good hydration
- Food
- Bags for organic dog waste or poop
- Toys to entertain you on the walk
- Harness and leash
- a sandbox
- water container
- blanket or bed
- Absorbent paper for the carrier
- Veterinary medical documentation and identification
What you should do with the dog before the trip
to take to yourmascotIt is imperative that she feels comfortable and at ease with as little stress as possible. Puppies tend to be stressed when they are in narrow spaces, so when traveling they should go in their carrier.
- In the weeks before the trip, try to get him to make friends with the carrier so that when the time comes he is more accustomed to this form of transportation.
- Some good excursions the days before will also help the quadruped. Experts on the subject assure that you should have a time for each excursion and progressively increase the time, so that the person will become more and more accustomed.
- In previous excursions by car it is possible to make recurring stops, but giving each stop a little more time.
- Train your pet in its own routine, that is, walk it, give it its food and play with it, preferably at the same time or schedule as you used to do.
- Keep your diet unchanged on the trip to avoid additional stress.
What you should do on the trip
If you are the one who will be driving, or if you actually travel by bus, train, boat or plane, you should know that many accidents occur when the driver is distracted while traveling and spectacular accidents occur, where they could even die, but this is avoidable. with actions like:
- Wear your canine in harnesses
- Avoid distractions if you are driving
- Take it inside the dog carrier
- Place it in the back seat for greater safety
- Train your dog for possible distractions, which in fact there will be
- Your pet should remain calm and relaxed
- The blanket you have should preferably be the smell of its owner, that will keep him calm.
- If your canine requires medication during the trip, you should consult with the veterinarian beforehand.

Anticipate the hotel where you are going to stay
Not every hotel acceptspets, so check which ones are and try to studythe rules and policiesfor your stay. Make sure of some things likebreed and size restrictionsand if they can be left inside the room without problems once they are at the hotel.
You should know that many hotels do not allowpetsIf you are left alone in your rooms, the most viable option is to hire a caregiver to accompany you while you are away from the hotel. There are dog walkers who work in these hotels, check this and make sure they have green areas and large spaces for their routine of playing with you, for example.
Keep this in mind if the trip is international
Be sure to do your research and be aware of therules for petsto the country where you will take the canine. Countries usually have different rules, keep in mind:
- An international type health certificate.
- Keep your rabies vaccination certificate up to date.
- Consult your doctor if you should go easy on the trip and take medication, such as Benadryl.
- If you require a stronger dose or alternative medication, consult.
- Make sure that the health insurance you take out has the option of a veterinarian outside your country of origin.
Travel by airplane
Travel by airplaneIt is important that your canine has its own papers in order, such as:
- Your current rabies vaccination record.
- Medical and health certificate endorsed by your veterinarian.
- Get ready for those customs passes, if you have to take it out of the carrier learn how to take it out safely.
- Prepare to put the canine through the scanner, where the strap and its respective harness are necessary.
- Make sure you study whether you should take it in the cabin or in the hold, verify in advance what is best for it.
- If you need to medicate him, check by going to the vet at least two weeks before your trip; Also, taking out a veterinary insurance policy is viable. All of the above in case your pet gets sick on the trip.
- Choose a carrier where your quadruped can stand, turn around and that has good ventilation. You must identify that carrier with your phone number, address, and your pet's name.
- Every situation needs to be taken, keep a current photo of your dog in case he gets lost.

Keep all this in mind and you will have a great time.vacationwithout extra hustle and bustle. Being cautious is always an excellent way to make aPleasant journeynext to hispet.